The State Project is to raise funds toward the funding of a specialized wheelchair for a United States Military veteran. The
reason for the importance of this project is that one specialized wheelchair can cost ten thousand dollars or more and most
veterans can't afford them. Ohio C.A.R. (O.S.C.A.R.) wants to help our veterans.
Ohio C.A.R. is selling lapel pins for $10.00 each. The pins are a replica of arevolutionary war soldeir's uniform button.
They are made of pewter as the actual buttons were made. These pins are appropriate due to the fact that in all wars, there
are casualties and these veterans who wore our uniform deserve to receive equipment to help them live a high quality life.
To do this, Caroline is teaming with "Wheelchairs for Warriors".
"Wheelchairs for Warriors" is a 501.c.3 organization dedicated to providing custom made wheelchairs to injured
veterans and first responders that are engineered to each
recipient's individual needs and capabilities, allowing for mobility and independence at the highest level possible.