2020-2021 National Project
Support Our Brave and Noble Patriots

2020-2021 National President, Ohio's Own, Liza Fridenmaker
2020-2022 Senior National President Lori B. Walters
"Support Our Brave and Noble Patriots"; is inspired by a line in our C.A.R. Song, which was written in 1928 and
continues to represent C.A.R.'s ideals of patriotism and support for our veterans.
The National Society will be partnering with Pets for Vets, a 501(c)(3) organization, to raise funds to place companion
animals with veterans, many of which are experiencing PTSD. The animals are adopted and trained through donations, and each
companion animal is highly trained to best meet the veteran’s needs.
Pets for Vets assists in the veterans fight against PTSD through building a safety net with the animal, creating connections,
and overcoming trauma. Veterans apply for an animal through Pets for Vets and go through an interview process to match the
veterans with an animal. Animals are then selected from the shelter specifically for each individual veteran and are trained
before being placed with the veteran. Through this process, Pets for Vets helps to save pets from shelters, as well as provides
veterans with the companions and support they need.
Through this year’s National Theme and Project, C.A.R. members are encouraged to give back to those who have
served our nation and Support Our Brave and Noble Patriots.
To learn more about Pets for Vets, please visit their website at https://petsforvets.com/
